Injectable Solution

Internal and external antiparasitic full spectrum
Camelids Goats Sheep Cattle



Triclabendazole 360 ​​mg, ivermectin 6 mg, excipients qs ad 1 mL




Antiparasitic full action, for simultaneous monitoring and treatment of parasitosis caused by nematodes, Fasciola hepatica (adults and young immature forms) and ectoparasites such as mites causing mange, blood sucking lice and maggots in cattle, sheep, goats and camelids.


Dosage and Administration

Dosage: 1 ml/30 kg bw intramuscularly Apply in cattle and sheep, goats and camels intrasmucular or subcutaneous route.

Commercial Presentation

Vial x 100 mL, glass vial of 250 mL,

Register SENASA

SENASA Peru: F.54.01.N.0039

Fasiject ® Plus