Success it Agrovet Market Tour 2014 in Cusco

06/19/2014 23:48

More than 160 professionals dedicated to animal health and production together in the second edition of the Tour Agrovet Market took place, held last May 24 in Cusco. This time he had two interesting presentations: " clostridial diseases in the highlands " , by the MV Msc. Alfredo Delgado, and " Progress on the formulation of rations for cattle ", by Carlos Gómez MV PhD. Presentations made ​​room for a round table where exhibitors were able to interact and exchange views with the audience, resulting in an enriching experience . Next, a cocktail of camaraderie for all participants who received at the end of the event a certificate endorsed by the Veterinary Medical College of Peru. Offered Agrovet Market thanked Cusco for their hospitality and interest in the topics covered in the seminar. Coming Agrovet Market Animal Health will announce the new Tour stop Agrovet Market 2014.


Mr. Luz Elena Castillo, Mr. Percy Escobar, Francisco Ojeda MV representatives MV Agrovet Market with Alfredo Delgado, PhD. Carlos Gómez speakers Agrovet Market Tour in  Cu sco 

Agrovet Market Home Tour in Cusco. Mr. Luz Castillo welcoming attendees and introducing the new corporate video company.

Dr. Carlos Gomez, speaker at the event

 Dr. Alfredo Delgado, speaker at the event


