present at the Second National Fair Dairy Cattle Holstein Breed Market and Brown Swisss

06/20/2014 01:48

Animal Health Product participated in the Second National Fair Dairy Cattle Holstein and Brown Swiss breed, which was held from 13 to 17 November in Lima. 

The company sponsored two trophies for the categories "Best New Holstein Breeder" and "Second Best Breeder of Holstein." 

The show featured the exhibition and competition of about 350 animals Hosltein and Brown Swiss breed in different categories, these specimens belonged purebred dairy farms to the main watershed of the country; jury and had Molly Sloan, one of the most recognized judges in America. 

At the booth of Animal Health Product, attendees could receive technical information and learn more about the different solutions and launches; including Ubremint ® , udder cream based on 100% natural inputs. Animal Health Product is proud to be part of such events that contribute to the promotion of livestock. 


The Eco Milton Von Hesse La Serna, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation with Dr. Dhajaira Acuña, representative Animal Heath Product

Technical Advisors Gloria along to Mr. Alan Tauca Torres, representative Animal Heath Product



Dr. Victor Nino de Guzman, president of the Cattlemen's Association Oxapampa Dhajaira with Dr. Acuña, representative Animal Heath Product


 Grand Champion Holstein Breed II of Holstein and Brown Swiss National Fair.


Agrovet Market Cup for Best Novel of the Holstein Breed Breeder delivered by

Dr. Umberto Calderon


About Animal Health AGROVET MARKET

 Animal Health Product is a peruvian veterinary pharmaceutical company whose mission is to provide veterinary pharmaceuticals single class, developed creative and innovative ways, looking for international and local consolidation through the formal establishment of strategic partnerships with distributors. Animal Health is the leading Peruvian company in exporting veterinary products with a distribution network in over 50 countries. LOGO are registered with the Directorate of Distinctive Signs INDECOPI 2013 brands.

