New image on-line Animal Health
06/20/2014 01:24Animal Heath renews its website, which exposes the world innovative solutions to health care and welfare
Home of the new website
As part of its 20th anniversary, Animal Heath reinforces its commitment to its customers and launches new version of its.This new portal, with information in English, has an innovative design, in addition to news and features that will definitely be of substantial help health professionals and animal welfare.
The revamped website is part of the digital marketing strategy for the company, which, as recalled, was recognized for Business Creativity in 2000, in the category International Impact, because it made possible the consolidation of international sales the company.
The new portal: has an attractive and dynamic design, which together with its friendly interface, promotes interaction, connectivity, and collaboration through social networks. In subject content provides institutional information, a complete catalog of products, research, technical articles, news and global distribution network connected to Google Maps . It is noteworthy that the Products section, which
allows performing searches by species or commercial category, also offers innovative comparison function, which allows you to view and compare the formula, indications, dosage, spectrum disorders and withdrawal period of up to 3 products.
Detail data sheet with insertion of social media
Research Section where you can access to technical information on products
Section Distributors enhanced with Google Maps for exact location reference
Product Comparison Chart
Now it is possible to access the Web from mobile devices, since the latter also has a section where you can download web applications (Apps) Company: VetHelp AM The first is an App designed in professional animal health and information requirements: provides a complete form of API, calculators and functional interactions that facilitate field work. The second app: is a complete pocket formulary products company and a platform for action between users and the sales force.
As can be seen, the new portal is a modern platform that invites the user to establish a more direct relationship with the company. Therefore, we invite you for updates Peruvian company that revolutionized the veterinary market with solutions and veterinary products only class.